Author Topic: HelloSeattle  (Read 2221 times)


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« on: September 12, 2023, 10:33:33 am »
Real Name: Bailey

In-game Name: HelloSeattle

Age: 27

Games You Play: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

If Applying For Our COD4 Promod Team, What Prestige Are You? (leave field blank if applying for another game/type): Prestige 11

Have You Joined Our Discord Server? Indeed I have. My Discord tag is HelloSeattle

Tell Us A Little About Yourself: I'm a 27 year old Australian FPS enthusiast, placing CoD4 at the top of my list of favourite shoot-em-up's. I've been playing on the eBc promod server for several months now and have grown to love the eBc community quite a lot. I get along quite well in-game with users and always try to bring a positive/funny vibe to the game and chat, whether this be while playing or while using the Discord channel. If I were to represent eBc in the future, I'm happy to dial down my chatty nature to be more professional, of course. I'm active every day for between 1-5 hours at least and I'm always engaging with users while putting my best in, gameplay wise. I've formed solid relationships with plenty of players and a couple of admins/moderators in my time here and I feel they will only grow stronger. Being only six hours ahead of Croatia in my time zone (GMT +8:00) I'm always able to be active during peak times after work each day and I've held this activity since I starting playing Call of Duty again.

Why Do You Want To Join eBc? I would like to join eBc as I admire the community as a whole and would love to be as involved as I can be, and of course help out where I can. I've come to love your server, players and members in my time here, and I would be honored to don the eBc tag in-game. There are no Australian promod servers that are active at the moment which is a bummer, so I've gravitated towards your server naturally due to it's sheer activity and enjoyability. I love the way the server is setup and run.

How Did You Hear About eBc? I was looking for local CoD4 promod servers some months ago and stumbled upon your server via Gametracker after some Googling.


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Re: HelloSeattle
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2023, 03:37:00 pm »
I vote yes he's good guy and never toxic


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Re: HelloSeattle
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2023, 06:51:06 pm »
Considering there are only positive votes along neutral votes which are few, we will give you a chance. Welcome to the community.

Application accepted