Author Topic: Backo.  (Read 3047 times)


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« on: August 27, 2021, 03:06:41 pm »
Real Name: Ivan

In-game Name: Backo.

Age: 12

Games You Play: CoD4,Farming Simulator 19,MudeRunner,FiveM,CS:GO,
Zula Global, Minecraft, GTA V

If Applying For Our COD4 Promod Team, What Prestige Are You? (leave field blank if applying for another game/type): 10

Have You Joined Our Discord Server? Backo#6562

Tell Us A Little About Yourself: My name is Ivan, i'm from Croatia (Slatina).
I love too much playing games, one of my favorite game is CoD 4. When i start to play this game i was 6 years old.

Now i have 12yrs.
I playing footbal,and soo much love mtb.

Why Do You Want To Join eBc? I want to help and my goal has always been to carry the eBc tag next to my name.

How Did You Hear About eBc? In my beginnings, I played on the famous Delta Force server. And I saw my friend start playing. That’s when I logged in to the server for the first time and “knew” some administrators.
And since I’ve been playing, I’ve never made a problem.


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2021, 04:39:25 pm »
Joining eBc isn't just wearing a tag. You're also in my case too young for a member.

Monolith also said to me thru a prayer No.
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Re: Backo.
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2021, 04:47:44 pm »


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2021, 04:59:32 pm »
You got NO from me, sorry but you are young and inexperienced. And some person on server really wanna to make you nervous and try to provoke you i don't believe that you will do right stuff and dont get provoked in that situations.


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2021, 05:14:25 pm »
Hi Ivan.

Nice application, my vote is a yes.

Good luck!


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2021, 06:27:59 pm »
Hello my friends, its a nice application for a young guy 😁

I will vote neutral cause like other members i think 12 years old is very young to be a part of a community.

For second reason, i think i cant vote yes or no for you because i'm myself young (16 yo), i let this apply to my friends :)

But there is no limit to join, if you are mature and talkative, you will be welcome.

Good luck 👍


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2021, 09:35:15 am »
Technically, I was 13 or 14 when I joined. (Clippy probably knows this info better than me)

My point is, I was more mature when I was younger than when I was older. It doesn't necessarily come through age.

However, my perspective on this is completely different than everyone else's. Name a regular Croatian player who's not an eBc member and never sweared someone's mother or Jesus - you can't. I'd rather have this young fella join a good clan and be taught by it, especially by Kreator personally, than to turn into yet another hopeless Balkan scum case. Also, consider that this kid came in here with complete honesty.

With that said, my vote is neutral because I barely play on the server so I don't know you, Backo, but I wish you luck.


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2021, 12:33:54 pm »
Technically, I was 13 or 14 when I joined. (Clippy probably knows this info better than me)
My point is, I was more mature when I was younger than when I was older. It doesn't necessarily come through age.
Whom are you fooling hahah.

Anyways the age is not the limiting factor, sure you are quite young but that depends on the individual as these immature fucks above said. However I think you need to communicate more and get involved, but don't push it, be here with us just don't overdo it, be yourself and be normal, the more you try to get somewhere the worse it gets, that is the lesson number one. People feel and notice it easily when something comes naturally rather than forcing it just for some goal you have in your mind.
You are young and you have the potential, but I feel like we need to get to know you better, hence I am pausing this application for some time, the voting results are actually good so far, but I don't like the negative/neutral ratio, and I feel like the reason behind it is simply the age and people not knowing you enough.
So don't be discouraged, give it some more time and I will unlock the application again, spend some time with us, and remember, don't force it, just be yourself, don't worry about the age, you will find things that we have in common.

Application on hold


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2021, 02:03:43 pm »
Hey Backo,

I won't personally take age into account as I was already joining teams and doing stuff when I was 12.
The only difference is that I was pretending to be a 16 years old girl because during those time being a little boy online was frowned upon by older people.
Can't say it led to all the results I was expecting, I have fucking ptsd now.

Thinking about it right now makes me tremble but also giggles, I have no fucking idea how I managed to handle that.

You joined our server a while ago, but I'm not certain I can qualify your overall activity as "regular".
Which is still somewhat positive for someone as young as yourself and understandable as this game is old and only a few people are still only playing it.

I'm not really sure what could be my own understanding of requirements to join ExplicitBouncers's family.
Maybe someone kind, devoted, regular and simply attached.

This kind of bonds require time to be formed and understood, by playing but also by investing yourself into knowing the community.
Obviously, the public face of EBC isn't its complete representation, and you'd have to be fully part of it to understand our members and spirits.

But I have faith.
We're not in a rush, as Kreator said it is better to take our time to get to know each other a little better, just like any friendship !

My vote is on hold for now, but it weighs heavily on positive.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 02:13:46 pm by uN1K »


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Re: Backo.
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2021, 12:12:51 pm »