Real Name: Tristan
In-game Name: zoon3r :>
Age: 16
Games You Play: Cod4
league of legends
counter strike CSGO
If Applying For Our COD4 Promod Team, What Prestige Are You? (leave field blank if applying for another game/type): 12
Have You Joined Our Discord Server? yes i have join the discord server
Tell Us A Little About Yourself: Im a boy, my name is Tristan i live in France at Paris. Im a cod4 player since 4 years.
Why Do You Want To Join eBc? I play eBc since 1 years aproximativ and i I get along with the players and I am active
How Did You Hear About eBc? This is Geneve who talk me about eBc, this is a eBc member and now i play only on eBc promod and some codjumper